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Joerg Boethling 30 Apr 2019 4300x2867 / 5.4MB
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2019, Acker, Ackerbau, Aegypten, Afrika, Anbau, Egypt, Export, Farmer, Handel, John Deere, Kartoffel, Kartoffelanbau, Kartoffeln, Landwirtschaft, Nahrungsmittel, Nordafrika, Sahara, Trade, Traktor, Wirtschaft, Wuestenlandwirtschaft, africa, african, agriculture, big farms, cultivation, desert farming, economy, farming machine, food production, food security, in der Wüste, industrial farming, large farm, north africa, potato, potatoes, potato’s, tractor, Ägypten, Pivot-Beregnungssystem, center-pivot irrigation, Karussellbewässerung, Kreisberegnungsbewässerung, water-wheel and circle irrigation, sprinkler, potatos, food crops, crop, commodity, agricultural products, arable