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RWANDA, Musanze, Ruhengeri, village Busogo, people wash carrots before selling them on the market in dirty river in Virunga region, it looks like the map of africa / RUANDA, Mohrruebenwaesche in einem schmutzigen Bach, Form des Kontinent Afrikas
Joerg Boethling 5 Mar 2019 4300x2867 / 6.4MB
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Afrika, Farmer, Fluss, Gemüse, Geografie, Hygiene, Karotte, Karotten, Karte, Kontinent, Landkarte, Mohrrübe, Möhre, Ostafrika, Ruanda, Rwanda, Virunga, Wasser, africa, african, afrikanische, agricultural products, carrot, carrots, continent, dirt, dirty, east-africa, food, geographical, geography, infection, map of africa, river, sewage, vegetable, vegetables, waschen, washing, water, work, worker