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GHANA, Accra, Jamestown, cattle shed at beach / GHANA, Accra, Jamestown, Kuhstall am Strand
Joerg Boethling 7 Jan 2024 4300x2861 / 4.7MB
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Accra, Afrika, Armut, Atlantic ocean, Atlantik, Atlantischer Ozean, Dritte Welt, Farm, Fleisch, Futter, Futtertrog, Ghana, Kuhstall, Kühe, Landwirtschaft, Mangel an Platz, Meer, Meerblick, Orte, Platzmangel, Rinder, Schmutzwasser, Stadt, Stall, Strand, Städtewachstum, Third world, Tierfutter, Tierhaltung, Trog, Vieh, Viehhaltung, Wasser, Westafrika, Zebu, africa, african, afrikanische, agriculture, animal breeding, animal husbandry, beach, beef, bizarre, cattle, cattle feed, city, city growth, cow, cows, crazy, fooder, funny, humorous, humorvoll, lack of space, livestock, lustig, meat, odd, open air, places, poverty, sanitation, scarcity, sea, sea view, sewage, shed, special, strange, urban, urban jungle, urbane, verrückte, waste water, water, west-africa, witzig