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BURKINA FASO, Provinz Poni, Gaoua, weekly market with food crops and solar panels, girl playing with mobile phone /Gaoua, Markt, Verkauf Erdnuesse, Bohnen, Reis, Stand mit Solar Modulen, Maedchen mit Mobiltelefon
Joerg Boethling 31 Jul 2016 2867x4300 / 6.4MB
Note: This image is COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ! NO use without prior permission, license and payment !
2016, Afrika, Burkina Faso, Energie, Ernaehrung, Frau, Frauen, Gaoua, Handel, Handy, Kinder, Klimaschutz, Lebensmittel, Maedchen, Markt, Marktfrau, Mobilfunk, Mobiltelefon, Modul, Nahrung, Nahrungsmittel, PV, Photovoltaik, Smartphone, Solar, Solarmodule, Solarzellen, Sonnenenergie, Telefon, Tradition, Verkauf, West-Africa, Westafrika, Wirtschaft, africa, african, afrique, cellular phones, change, child, children, climate protection, crops, economy, energy, erneuerbare, food, girl, green, gruene, market, merchant, mobile phone, modern, modernes, module, nutrition, panel, photovoltaic, power, regenerative, renewable energy, renewables, sell, selling, shop, smart phone, solar cell, solar energy, solar home system, solar module, solar power, telephone, trade, trader, traditional, woman, women, Marktfrauen, livelihood, income, Einkommen, Existenz, subsistence, energy transition, street