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KENYA Turkana, Lodwar, village Kaitese, health station, mother and children are waiting outside for treatment / KENIA, Turkana tribe, Save the children unterstuetzen Frauen bei Ernaehrungssicherung, Gesundheit und Drought Resilience, Gesundheitsstation, Mutter KInd Untersuchung
Joerg Boethling 14 Feb 2016 2867x4300 / 4.9MB
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Afrika, Betreuung, Centre, East-africa, Frauen, Gesundheit, Gesundheitsstation, Gesundheitsvorsorge, Halsschmuck, Hospital, Kenia, Kenya, Kind, Kinder, Krankenhaus, Lodwar, Mutter, Ostafrika, Schmuck, Turkana, Untersuchung, Versorgung, Vorsorge, aerztliche, africa, baby, care, center, child, children, health, illness, indigene Voelker, indigenous people, infant, jewelry, medical, medizinische, mother, necklace, rau, rural development, sickness, social security, station, traditional, treatment, tribal, tribe, village, woman, women, rural, clinic, cure, medical care, healthcare, aid, Indigene Völker