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BURKINA FASO, village Soumousso, cotton harvest, children transport harvested cotton with donkey cart to their village / Baumwolle Ernte, Kinder transportieren Baumwolle mit einem Eselkarren vom Feld in ihr Dorf
Joerg Boethling 29 Nov 2016 4300x2867 / 5.6MB
Note: This image is COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ! NO use without prior permission, license and payment !
2016, Ackerbau, Afrika africa, Algodon, Anbau, Arbeit, BT-Baumwolle, BT-cotton, Baumwolle, Baumwollernte, Bauwmwollanbau, Bayer, Burkina Faso, Ertrag, Esel, Eselkarren, Eselwagen, Farm, Faserrohstoffe, GM crop, GMO, GVO, Genbaumwolle, Kind, Kinder, Kinderarbeit, La Société Burkinabè des Fibres Textiles, Landwirtschaft, Last, Mensch Tier, Monsanto, Naturfaser, Naturfasern, Sandweg, Sofitex, Transport, West-Africa, Westafrika, afrique, agriculture, animal-powered, arbeiten, cash crops, child, child labor, childlabour, children, commodities, commodity, conventional, coton, cotonnière, cotton, crop, donkey, donkey cart, développement de l'agro-industrie, farming, fibres, gene manipulated, genmanipulierte, goods, harvest, harvesting, konventionelle, konventioneller, laendlicher Raum, load, manual, manueller, nachwachsende Rohstoffe, natural fibre, peasant, renewable resources, road, rural, rural development, small-scale farming, wagon, work, working, yield, ländliche