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KENYA, Nairobi, township Kasarani, plastic garbage and cows / KENIA, Nairobi, Stadtviertel Kasarani, Slum, Plastikmüll und Kühe
Joerg Boethling 3 Feb 2022 4300x2861 / 7.7MB
Note: This image is COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ! NO use without prior permission, license and payment !
2022, Abfall, Abfälle, Afrika, Armut, City, East-Africa, Großstadt, Kenia, Kenya, Kunststoffe, Megacity, Metropole, Mismanagement, Müll, Nairobi, Ostafrika, Plastik, Plastikfolie, Plastikmüll, Probleme, Stadt, Tiere, Tierhaltung, Umwelt, Umweltpolitik, Umweltverschmutzung, Vermüllung, Verschmutzung, Verseuchung, Vieh, african, afrikanische, animal, animal husbandry, cattle, cow, cows, eat, environment pollution, environmental impact, failed, filth, fressen, garbage, human, lack of, litter, livestock, mensch Tier, organic waste, organische Abfälle, plastic film, plastic waste, policy, poverty, problem, sanitation, slum, town, urban, urbanisierung, verfehlte, waste management