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EtHIOPIA, Central Ethiopia, town Kibet, light green fields with Teff (Eragrostis tef) a millet which is the staple food in Ethiopia, teff flour is used to prepare the national dish Injera, a sour fermented pancake-like flatbread with a slightly spongy texture, traditionally made of teff flour
Joerg Boethling 11 May 2024 4500x2975 / 7.6MB
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Acker, Ackerbau, Afrika, Anbau, Baum, Bäume, East-Africa, Eragrostis tef, Ethiopia, Farm, Feld, Felder, Flur, Furche, Getreide, Grundnahrungsmittel, Hirse, Hirsesorten, Kleinbauern, Kulturpflanze, Landwirtschaft, Muster, Nahrungsmittel, Nahrungspflanzen, Ostafrika, Pflanzen, Sonderkulturen, Teff, Williams lovegrass, Zwerghirse, africa, agriculture, alte, annual bunch grass, arable land, base for injera bread, cereal grass, cultivation, design, ernährung, ethiopian, farmer, farming, field, field map, fields, food crop, furrow, gepfllügtes, grafisch, grain, graphic, kleinbäuerliche, kleine Parzellen, landscape, layout, line, local variety, lokale Sorten, millet, nutrition, pattern, plant, plot, ploughed, small farmland, small scale farming, smallholder, specialty crops, staple food, structure, tef, texture, tilled, tree, trees, vegetation, with, yield, Äthiopien, äthiopische