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TANZANIA Tanga, Usambara Mountains, Sisal farming and industry, D.D. Ruhinda & Company Ltd., Mkumbara Sisal estate, drying of sisal fibre in the sun / TANSANIA Tanga, Sisal Industrie, D.D. Ruhinda & Company Ltd., Mkumbara Sisal estate, Trocknen der Sisalfaser in der Sonne
Joerg Boethling 5 Feb 2016 4300x2867 / 7.1MB
Digital Photo 34 MB
Afrika, Agave sisalana, Arbeit, Arbeiter, East-africa, Farm, Faser, Frau, Frauen, Landwirtschaft, Naturfaser, Naturfasern, Naturprodukte, Ostafrika, Plantage, Produktion, Sisal, Sisalfaser, Sisalherstellung, Sisalindustrie, Tansania, Tanzania, Verarbeitung, Wirtschaft, africa, agriculture, economy, estate, farming, fasern, fibres, industry, labour, labourer, nachwachsende Rohstoffe, nature fibre, plantation, processing, production, renewable resources, sisal fibre, woman, women, work, worker