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INDIA, state Gujarat, Narmada river and dams, reservoir of Narmada dam Sardar Sarovar Project, submerged old hindu temple, remained mud after first submergence 1993, image taken february 1994, today the temple is permanently under water in the dam reservoir, the temple was a important place for the Narmada Parikrama, a holy pilgrimage along the river / INDIEN, Gujerat, Narmada Fluss und Staudaemme, Stausee des Sardar Sarovar Projekt Staudamm, durch Flutung zerstoerter Hindu Tempel am Staudamm
Joerg Boethling 15 Feb 1994 4300x2727 / 6.3MB
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Asien, Damm, Dritte Welt, Entwicklung, Fluss, Flüsse, Grossprojekte, Hindu, Hinduismus, Hindus, India, Indien, JB1A, NBA, Narmada, Narmada Bachao Andolan, Narmada Parikrama, Narmada river, Narmada valley, Narmada yatra, Religion, SSP, Sardar Sarovar Project, Staubecken, Staudamm, Staudämme, Stausee, Tempel, Umwelt, Umweltzerstörung, abandoned, after the flood, alter, asia, basin, big dams, dam, dam reservoir, destruction, development, disaster, ecological, environment, environmental impact, faith, flooded, hinduism, historical, holy places, lost places, movement to save the Narmada, mud, old, project, religious place, remains, reservoir, river, rivers, sediment, shrine, silt, site, soil, submerged, submergence, temple, tribal, village, Überschwemmung