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ETHIOPIA , Addis Ababa, traffic circle and chinese office tower and Bank building construction by CSCEC China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd. / AETHIOPIEN, Addis Abeba, Baustellen chinesischer Baufirmen, CSCEC China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd.
Joerg Boethling 2 Mar 2018 4300x2867 / 4.8MB
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Addis Ababa, Addis Abeba, Aethiopien, Afrika, Baubranche, Baustelle, Bauwerk, CSCEC, China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd., China in Afrika, China in africa, City, East africa, Ethiopia, Firmen, Gebaeude, Gebäude, Hausbau, Hochhaus, Immobilien, Ostafrika, Städtewachstum, Unternehmen, Verkehr, africa, african, architecture, boom, builder, building, cement, chinese, chinesische, city growth, company, concrete, construct, construction, crane, development, ethiopian, growth, high, house, large, metropole, modern, modernes, office tower, real estate, real estate market, round-about, skyscraper, tower, traffic, urban, Äthiopien