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INDIA Madhya Pradesh, Khargoan, Maikaal organic cotton project, worker carry harvested bio cotton in baskets into ginning factory
Joerg Boethling / www.visualindia.de 9 Oct 2003 5373x3532 / 3.3MB
Note: This image is COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ! NO use without prior permission, license and payment !
organic, cotton, farming, agriculture, Landwirtschaft, India, Indien, asia, Asien, economy, green, Wirtschaft, Textilindustrie, ginning, ginnery, working, work, worker, factory, carry on the head, basket, auf dem Kopf tragen, Korb, Arbeit, Arbeiter, Biobaumwolle, Baumwolle, biore, Maikaal, Entkernungsfabrik, Fabrik, Textile industry, commodity, commodities, renewable resources, fibre, nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Naturfaser, natural fibers, white, processing, Verarbeitung, Rohbaumwolle, raw cotton, arable