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Germany, Berlin, The wall, East side gallery, wall paintíngs and murals about the cold war and walls
Joerg Boethling 6 Aug 2017 4300x2867 / 4.3MB
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BRD, Bemalung, Berlin, Beton, City, DDR, Die Mauer, East and West Germany, East side gallery, GDR, Galerie, German, Germany, Geschichte, Grenze, Grenzen, Kopf, Kunst, Mauer, Mauern, Schutzwall, Teilung, The wall, Wandbemalung, Zement, artwork, bemalte, border, borderline, borders, capital, cold war, deutsche, europe, famous, frontiers, frontline, graffiti, head, heads, history, kalter Krieg, mural, murals, separation, sights, sightseeing, street art, the divided Germany, tourism, urban, wall painting, wallpainting, zwischen, German Democratic Republic, Deutsche Demokratische Republik, Wiedervereinigung, reunification, Teilung, Berliner, symbol, of, symbolic, tear down this wall, Trennung, trennen, Teilung, reunification, Wiedervereinigung, Der kalte Krieg, Mauerfall