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INDIA Madhya Pradesh Bargi, tribal farmer near reservoir of Bargi dam at Narmada river, many farmer have lost their arable land and fight for rehabilitation until today / INDIEN, Adivasi Farmer am Stausee des Bargi Staudamm am Narmada Fluss, viele Ureinwohner haben ihr Land verloren
Joerg Boethling 10 May 2007 5367x3544 / 3.9MB
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Indien, Asien, Bargi, Damm, Stausee, Landwirtschaft, Bauer, Dorf, Adivasi, Staudamm, Land, Jabalpur, Ochsen, Mensch Tier, dreschen, Getreide, Nutztiere, Stroh, asia, India, animal-powered, animal, ox, cow, village, rural, farmer, farming, cattle, lifestock, trash, trashing, grain, straw, Narmada, dam, oustee, tribal, tribals, peasant, reservoir, displacement, agriculture, laendliche, development, Entwicklung, livestock, Vieh, Tierhaltung, Tierzucht, Viehhaltung, thresh, threshing, thrash, thrashing, Fluesse, Flüße, Fluß, rivers, ländliche, arable