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SOUTH-SUDAN, capital city Juba, scrap cars and garbage on the road, scrap jeep of UN organization / SÜDSUDAN, Hauptstadt Juba, Straßenszene, Schrotthandel
Joerg Boethling 2 Feb 2024 4500x3044 / 5.3MB
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Afrika, Autowrack, Dritte Welt, Dschuba, Hauptstadt, Juba, Müll, Schrott, Schrottautos, South Sudan, South-Sudan, Symbol, Süd-Sudan, Südsudan, Third world, UN, UN organization, UNO, United nations, Vereinte Nationen, Wrack, Zustand, abandoed, abandoned, africa, african, afrikanische, capital city, car, car wreck, cars, clunker, corruption, damaged, failed state, failure, fragile Staaten, garbage, jeep, kaputt, misery, mismanagenment, out of order, poverty, scrap, scrap trade, symbolic, symbolic for foreign aid, trader, used engine oil, vehicle, waste, wreck