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ETHIOPIA, Tigray, Mekelle, consequences of Tigray war 2020-2022, IDP camp Sebacare SC 4 for internal displaced people and war refugees, safe drinking water supply / ÄTHIOPIEN, Tigray, Mekelle, IDP camp Sebacare 4 IDP site am Stadtrand für Vertriebene des Tigray Krieges 2020-2022
Joerg Boethling 3 May 2024 4500x2994 / 5.8MB
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Afrika, Armut, Binnenflüchtlinge, Bürgerkrieg, EU, East-Africa, Ethiopia, Flüchtling, Flüchtlinge, Flüchtlingslager, Folgen, Frieden, Hilfe, Hütte, IDP camp, IDP site, IOM, Kanister, Mekelle, Migration, Not, Notunterkunft, Ostafrika, Tigray, Tigray Krieg 2020-2022, Tigray war, UN organization, UNHCR, US aid, Usaid, Vertreibung, Vertriebene, Wasser, Wasserversorgung, Zelt, aftermaths, aid, american, canister, care, civil war, clean, community, conflict, consequences, disinfection, displacement, donation agency, drinking water, emergency, european, for, hut, internal displaced people, jerry can, migrant, misery, monitoring, plastic, poverty, quality, refugee, refugees, reserve, safe, sanitation, settlement, shelter, storage, store, supply, tent, tigrain, tigrayn, tigrian, war aftermath, war refugees, water, water tank, Äthiopien