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IVORY COAST, Yamoussoukro, deforestation for new plantaions like oil palms, rubber and timber trade / ELFENBEINKUESTE, Yamoussoukro, Abholzung für Plantagen und Holzhandel
Joerg Boethling 30 Apr 2020 4300x2861 / 6.7MB
Note: This image is COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ! NO use without prior permission, license and payment !
Abholzung, Afrika, Baum, Biodiversität, Bäume, Cote d´ivoire, Elfenbeinküste, Holz, Holzhandel, Ivoire, Ivoirien, Ivory coast, Trade, Umweltzerstörung, Verlust, Wald, West-Africa, Westafrika, abholzen, africa, african, afrikanische, bole, deforest, deforestation, destruction, diversity, environmental impact, forest, fällen, illegal, illegaler, ivoirienne, log, logging, loss, nature, of, timber, tree, tree cutting, tree trunk, trees, wood